Thursday, November 1, 2007

My First Post

I have never blogged before, except on a faux myspace page I made for Neil Young. So I suppose I am somewhat experienced, but I consider myself largely unaffiliated with the process of blogging. It is incredibly interesting isn't it? Everyone has the opportunity to be heard! I'm not a republican or a conservative by any means, but America is great, and Democrats are afraid asserting the claim that America is great, not necessarily the best, but a great nation. Our politicians aren't so great, but the principles this country was founded on, and the principles that are still maintained (to some degree) are remarkable. We truly are so privileged. Look at how privileged we are to have the ability to get on the internet and say whatever we want without worrying about the government imprisoning or executing us. Yes, I concede to the liberals that to a certain degree we have been censored and America does not always abide by the rules that were established and we do not always live up to the ideals we claim to eblematize, but nobody's perfect.

My apologies, this is probably my first and last political discourse. I rarely engage in political discussion and I suppose now I am excited about having a small platform on which I can expound upon what I believe, or at least to a small degree.

All that aside, this is a blog about music and film and the arts, but predominantly music and film. I will share my feelings on film, music, and literature from various decades spanning centuries (I suppose not so much "centuries" with regards to film, but it sounds better talking about things on a grand scale I think everybody can agree).

It is extraordinarily early in the morning, and I imagine this first post is extraordinarily boring and poorly written (which is embarrassing, but I am too tired), which is not good because it will discourage people from returning to this blog. But I promise you this: when I am not under the influence of fatigue I will deliver scintillating prose detailing my interpretations of the profundity of art in various media.

Now playing: Tool - Ænema

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